The Celtic Goldsmith at The Johnnie Armstrong Gallery
including The Borderlands Museum
Award-winning Studio Goldsmiths
"A unique and individual gallery for the connoisseur"
Est. 1978

Where legends and folklore are fashioned in precious metal...
The Moffatt family are award-winning studio goldsmiths who for over 30 years have specialised in the research, design, and making of high quality works of art inspired by the indigenous folk art and mythology of the North.
Pieces are available direct and exclusively from their workshop/gallery located in the rural hills of the Anglo-Scottish Borders.
The Gallery exhibits the largest and finest display of studio goldsmithing from an individual workshop available for purchase in Britain today, including a good selection of wedding rings.
Working predominantly in precious metals, their work is often characterised by mixed metal contrasts, and expresses a constant exploration of the goldsmiths craft, from the fusion and reticulation of coloured golds and silver, to the decorative uses of ancient arts such as pattern-welding and chasing/repousse.
Open 9am–6pm Mon–Sat
If you are travelling a long distance please give us a phone first
tel. 01450850237 mob. 07766595747 e-mail